• The church of Madonna della Scala
  • The church of Madonna della Scala
  • The church of Madonna della Scala
  • The church of Madonna della Scala
  • The church of Madonna della Scala

The church of Madonna della Scala

The church of Madonna della Scala ("Scala" means "ladder") is a small place of worship site on the cliff overlooking the harbor, a little below the Belvedere of Castellammare. The building of the church is subsequent to a historical-legendary episode dated, according to tradition, to the seventeenth century. It seems that on the evening of 7 September 1641as a result of a sudden storm, Maria D'Angelo, a young girl who was feeding the flock in the mountains of Castellammare, took refuge in a hole dug just before a lightning strike. Inside the cave, the girl found a rusty copper box in which there was a small silver box bearing at the monogram of the Virgin Mary and a cross. Immediately after this discovery, the storm ceased, and the girl was reunited with relatives that were looking for her. The box was delivered to the archpriest of Castellammare who, opening it, found a silver crucifix and a reliquary, adorned with gems and gold, containing an image of the Madonna and Child. It called a miracle and, in the place of discovery, the church was built. At this was given the name of Madonna della Scala for the terrain that slopes gently toward the sea. The celebration is every year on 8 September when, in the square of "Fraginesi Door", is the traditional served pasta with broad beans (the so-called "Li tagghiarini"). Follow the procession to the shrine and the recitation of the Rosary. After a period of neglect and abandonment, the church was finally the subject of a renovation that has restored to its rightful place of worship. In addition, a new lighting system allows you to access the whole area also in the evening.
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